Moving from a house our Princesses have filled with love, laughter and tears is going to be hard. This quote reminds me of something Princess told us once before: Home is where you, Dad, and my sisters are.
If you read my newsletter, I mentioned we are building a new house, but have to be out of the house we have lived in for 11 years sooner. Our Princesses turned from teenagers to adults in this house. Memories of them singing every Disney movie permeate the walls and rooms. Their laughter still drifts down the hall as they camped in one room to talk all night after not seeing each other for months.
Our granddaughter will never see where her mother grew up or her old room. We have lived in this small town for 27 years and leaving it is breaking my heart. We have many memories of their school events and going to every football game to watch the band and the cheerleaders.
I know how exciting building a new house and making fresh memories should replace the sadness of leaving, but for me, it's like closing a book on their childhood.
Packing up this house in six weeks is very daunting. When we went down to the basement, we counted furniture and things from four dorm rooms, boxes of school books, and papers. Now, if anyone has advice on how to pack up quickly, and effectively, we would be welcome the suggestions.
Wish us luck and we will keep you all posted on the progress of the new house.